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System Administrators Guide


This article serves as a ready reference to the attached (below) System Administrators guides for Windows and UNIX environments.

Each guide has detailed information on the features in the Universal Utilities module and other administrative concepts or utilities in Computron.




The concepts in the guides are covered under the following broad sections:


Section Usage

Universal Utilities

Information on user file, menu file, database map file, global variables, soft screen, lockout utility, audit file.
Refer to Chapter 1. 
Security Subsystem Information on authentication, user privileges, user profile, owner codes.
Refer to
Chapter 2.

Job Processing

Information on job scheduler, job processor, audit processor, return codes.
Refer to
Chapter 3.

System Tools

Information on a set of Computron utilities.  
Additional information found in the Windows guide:
Running scripts, script logging, accessing H-Key Registry.

Refer to Chapter 4.

Computron Server Administration

Information on the server administrator tool, Computron's configuration file, and few environment-specific processes.
Refer to
Chapter 5.

Relational Database/Database Utilities and Troubleshooting

Information on RDMS utilities, RDBMAP, XMLMAP, debugging.
Refer to
Chapter 6.


Information on UserExits, LGMAP file.
Both UNIX and Windows guides have certain environment-specific topics, like, Character Cell for Windows, WISP Command Processor (UNIX).
Refer to the Appendices section

Note: System Administrator credentials are required to perform any function or run a tool/utility listed in the guide.




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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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